13cm Band high gain Power Amplifier
Available !!!
...for more info ask: 9a6rzn@gmail.com
Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWi6tkff5w8
Three years ago I bought a used commercial 13cm Amplifier online....
After he arrived after a few weeks, I was curious to test him.
A sweep test was carried out and lo and behold, despite the fact that a circulator for 2600 MHz is built in, the amplifier works best exactly in our amateur radio band segment ( between 2280 and 2470 MHz ). There was no end to the enthusiasm, why not when you get almost 40 watts of output with 0.1mW input ( perfect for use with Adalm Pluto ).
So enthusiastically, I bought a total of 26 used amplifiers, converted what was necessary ( SMA connectors, heat sinks ) and distributed them among the amateur radio people.
Due to great interest I wanted to buy a few more, unfortunately I couldn't find anything anymore ( it was probably just a small series from a well-known South Korean manufacturer for some small project ).
Hides also got two of them and was thrilled because they are also suitable for DVB-T ( with 3~4 Watt DVB-T output), but more amplifiers are needed, what now ?
Strengthened by very good amplifier properties, HiDes decided to copy this amplifier, added a few improvements
( housing , SMA , two 2.4GHz circulator ) and so a new amplifier for 2300~2450MHz was created, which I can test and present here.
According to Hides, amplifiers will soon be available in Hides eBay shop and on HiDes website ( 599euro ) .
I think it's positive that after the DVB-T Receiver-transmitter , 3LNC70 downconverter and BU500 UPconverter, Hides has again offered something for amateur radio operators on the market.
HiDes new two stage amplifier Amplifier HPA2325 , Picture from the assembly room.......
Frequency range: 2300...2450 MHz
Gain: over 50 dB
Small signal gain: over 53 dB
Output Power CWmode : up to 40 Watt
Bandwidth -3dB : 300 MHz ( 2200.....2500 MHz )
Signal mode: all ( with DVB reduced output power !, max. up to 8 Watt recommended )
Operating voltage: 24...30V default 28 Volt ( housing is minus )
Power consumption: max. 4 Amps at full power
Input-Output connector: SMA female
RF monitor output: SMA female ( -32dB opposite output port )
Input max. power: 1mW ( 100mW is damage power )
Amplifier size: 15cm x 10.5cm x 2.2cm
Output protected by circulator from oversized antennas VSWR
Protected against incorrect voltage reversal
Amplifier typical CW bandwidth sweep from a few finished amplifiers....
DVB-T Signal at the PA output - shoulder distance & 5.2 Watt ( with transmitter HV320 )
and a few more results at 5~6W PA output with HV320 as DVB source.....
Practical test at OE7DBH with Adalm Pluto in DVB-S2 mode as driver transmitter.....Frequenz Spectrum on Adalm Pluto Output port.....
Power Amplifier used in this test.....
Let's go.......
and now signal spectrum loss , comparison before and after the PA & 53dB gain and 2,4W output.....
.......all in all i find it a very good result ! 😃
Enough power for any other PA if necessary. If less power is needed ( with even better shoulder distance ) then simply turn down with TX level control in DATVexpress software.
....in future there will also be a version with higher input power ( for BU500 holder or other transmitter ) ,
power amplifier with 100mW input and at the output port above 30W ( PA with 25dB gain ).
On stock , available !!!! €320.-....translated from the original using Google translate, sorry for any errors !. 😥
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