
IC-905 UHF-SHF Multiband Multimode Transceiver

Thema hier:    nur Video und Audio Übertragung in FMTV  Mode mit IC-905   ...und nichts anders. Erster test:  Senden mit IC-905  in FMTV mode    und   empfangen mit  FMTV  PACE  MSS138G  receiver. In diesen Test stehen mir zu Verfügung folgende Geräte: IC-905    Icom Transmitter in FMTV mode    BW 17MHz      Audio 6.5MHz        Soft.ver. 1.15 NV-GS10   Panasonic Camera PM5570   Video Test Signal Generator TEK2755P   Spectrum analyzer MSS138G    Pace Receiver on   1265MHz      Bandbreite 15MHz Gesa GR999    Profi  Receiver HR Trinitron Monitor EV4161    Waveform Monitor Alle verwendete Geräte in einwandfreien funktionierenden Zustand !!! Geräte sind direkt über Kabel so Zusammengeschlossen : Videoquelle → IC-905 1W output → 80dB attenuator → Coax cable direkt zu → Pace receiver → Monitor oder Wavemonitor Beide Videoquellen ( Camera und Video Generator ) liefern ein perfektes Videosignal,  was hier unten in direkten Zusammenschaltung   ( Videoquelle – Monitor ) auch sichtbar ist... 1.

13cm Band high gain Power Amplifier

Available !!! HiDes, Inc.    ...for more info ask: Youtube video:     Three years ago I bought a used commercial 13cm Amplifier online....  After he arrived after a few weeks, I was curious to test him.  A sweep test was carried out and lo and behold, despite the fact that a circulator for 2600 MHz is built in, the amplifier works best exactly in our amateur radio band segment ( between 2280 and 2470 MHz ) . There was no end to the enthusiasm, why not when you get almost 40 watts of output with 0.1mW input    ( perfect for use with Adalm Pluto ) .  So enthusiastically, I bought a total of 26 used amplifiers, converted what was necessary ( SMA connectors, heat sinks ) and distributed them among the amateur radio people.  Due to great interest I wanted to buy a few more, unfortunately I couldn't find anything anymore ( it was probably just a small series from a well-known South Korean manufacturer for some small

2400 MHz UPconverter BU500

  Input freq.:   28.........1300 MHz                                    Input Power:    200mW max.  *         SMA female Output freq.:   2365.........2500 MHz                             Output power:    up to 2 Watt  *     SMA female LO clock:    10 MHz         Stability:  2ppm ( -20°....+60°C )         Ext. clock 10 MHz input SMA port on board  Local Oscillator frequency freely programmable by the customer in 1kHz steps ( 1050.....2700MHz ) Vcc:     10.....14 Volt              Icc:   max. 1.5 Amper *   Output power 2W  for CW SSB FM mode ,   DATV mode use please only to 300mW output !!     Output power is adjustable from 0 up to 2 Watt      When ordering , specify which modulation types you want to use   (  SSB  or  DATV  or both ).      28MHz and 50MHz signals can only be used with good 2.4 GHz Bandpass filters . Die neue Version vom bereits bekannten Allmode UPconverter    BU500 1.7W  ist bei HiDes bereit zum Liefern.... Also available in Europa       .....a

10GHZ input - Down Converter 3LNC70 - 432MHz output

  10 GHz input      and    70cm band Output  , with option ext. GPS input It is my pleasure to present a new product for 10GHZ amateur radio operators from Low-noise selective 10GHZ LNC in coaxial form (  for various applications …  direct 10GHz FM-SSB QSO , DVB-T QSO , QO100 SSB QSO , QO-100 DVBt or DVBs QSO  ) and power supply either via coax or external.   Size: 70 x 47 x 21mm Input-Output-Ext LO connectors: 50ohm , SMA female Noise figure: 1,2~1,3dB Recommended RF input range: 9,8GHz.......10,7GHz Recommended IF output range: 300.........2000 MHz Recommended Vcc voltage: 8V.....14V Recommended Freq. range for Ext. LOsync input: 25,4......29,8MHz  ( with the internal quartz switched off ) LNC consumption in original condition is approx. 150mA , power supply options here...... Technicians who want to install a TCXO with more stability themselves, there is enough space on the underside of the PCB. HiDes provides the 3.3V po